Press Release 19.02.2025

foodwatch criticizes new EU agricultural vision: "This is outrageous"

The European Commission has presented its Vision for Agriculture and Food. Suzy Sumner, Head of Brussels Office for foodwatch international, comments:

“Nutrition gets only a token mention in the EU’s agricultural vision – with no clear measures. This is outrageous. Europe is facing a health crisis of non-communicable diseases linked to the food we eat, yet mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labeling is completely missing. Misleading environmental claims are rightly addressed, but deceptive nutrition and health claims must be too. It’s clear: this Commission will not act to improve consumer information on nutrition. The ‘Farm to Fork’ ambitions have vanished. Member States must no longer wait for an EU solution – they should implement Nutri-Score at the national level now, for the health of their citizens.”