Clean Washing Aspartame: Why aspartame needs to be banned, based on independent science Report11-12-2023 Inflation: When speculators profit from the food crisis Report11-12-2023 The dark side of grain. Unmasking pesticide use in cereal crops Report10-10-2023 foodwatch report New Genome Techniques (NGT) – A Risky Corporate Distraction From Real Sustainable Solutions Background20-02-2023 The failure of integrated pest management (IPM) in the European Union Background31-01-2023 The deceptive harmonised risk indicator Background31-01-2023 CETA – an attack on health, the environment, consumer protection and democracy Report20-09-2022 Locked-in pesticides - Europe’s dependency on harmful pesticides and how to overcome it Report30-06-2022 Stop the poison boomerang Report04-08-2020 Lost in the supermarket Report19-12-2018
Clean Washing Aspartame: Why aspartame needs to be banned, based on independent science Report11-12-2023
foodwatch report New Genome Techniques (NGT) – A Risky Corporate Distraction From Real Sustainable Solutions Background20-02-2023
Locked-in pesticides - Europe’s dependency on harmful pesticides and how to overcome it Report30-06-2022