The situation with the Corona-virus is an enormous challenge for all of us. Worries, fears and uncertainty have become a constant companion in our daily lives. In order to protect ourselves and others, we must abstain from many things that were previously taken for granted. No one can say exactly for how long. However, the more consistently and prudently we carry this out, the better we will all overcome this crisis together.
At foodwatch too, many things have changed. We have cancelled travel plans, appointments and face-to-face meetings. In all offices we are organising home-working. We are also using the slower rhythm of our work to reflect: What impact will the crisis have on the global production and distribution of food?
It's quite understandable that everyone's head is somewhere else right now. But even during the corona crisis, our fight for fair, safe and sustainable food persists. The newsletters from our national offices will continue to inform you about our activities. What's more, this is a moment to take a closer look at the food chain and all the various scandals we encounter in the industry.
The problems that exist in the food market will by no means disappear as a result of this terrible crisis. We are therefore continuing our work in your interest - as best we can, under the difficult circumstances.
Take care of yourself, stay healthy!
Your foodwatch Team